OMOS Spiritual Gifts Inventory

The Spiritual Gifts Inventory can help you determine which spiritual gifts you have been blessed with and are challenged to use in living out your baptismal call to build up the Kingdom of God.

It will take approximately 15-20 minutes to take the inventory. There are 115 statements that assess your gifts in twenty-three different areas. Your score will appear upon completion of the inventory. Keep your results, because it is important to begin to observe over time your reaction to different situations and events that take place in your life. Do your reactions to situations line up with your spiritual gifts? By keeping note of which of these gifts you are exhibiting more frequently, you will then gain understanding where God might be leading you.

We will match you to parish ministries and activities that pertain to your top strengths. We encourage you to explore the possibilities of using your gifts in one or more of these ministries.

Enter your name and email and click next to begin

Adapted from the Spiritual Gifts Inventory developed by Michael Anne Haywood, with much help from Genie Carr, Steve Gambino, The Reverend Virginia Herring, Margaret Moore, Marjorie Northup, Mary at Stillpoint and Jean Woods, (c)June 1998.

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